Before you can successfully sell and market a product you have to be intimately familiar with its features, strengths, benefits and weaknesses. Selling and marketing yourself is no different. Knowing yourself covers many aspects and the reason you need to know yourself is because of the necessity to interact with others. The better you know yourself the better you can adjust your approach if necessary at interview. One way of considering yourself in relation to others is to se your personality as a series of windows, with each window representing a different aspect of your personality as seen by yourself and as seen by others. This is Joharis Window.

Why are some people more successful than others? Simple – they have more drive, conviction, self-belief, and ambition than others. My aims? •To give you an appreciation of the principles and psychology involved in Selling and Buying •To raise your awareness of the main problems associated with CV writing •To show you a terrific framework you can apply to your own CV •To help you get to interview stage •To give you powerful statements to describe yourself and apply them directly to the position
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