In order to sell yourself you've got to...
1. Know who you are
2. Know how to write who you are
3. Know how to express who you are
If you can successfully do all three you will put yourself in an excellent position when it comes to getting a job. Having said that… I know that almost everyone spends time on the CV aspect but tend to dismiss taking advice as to how to sell themselves persuasively at interview. It’s almost as though getting to interview is enough and everything will just fall into place after that. It doesn’t!
Knowing Who You Are
This is, without doubt, the most complex, difficult and time-consuming part of the overall approach because it deals with intangible. What makes you, you? Your personality? Your genes? Your life experiences? Your enthusiasm for life? Without knowing yourself you cannot truly represent yourself either on paper or in reality.
There are many companies who will write your CV for you for a fee and I'm sure your CV will be top-quality. However it is my personal opinion that you can't effectively sell what someone who doesn't know you has written about you. Interviews are about selling yourself persuasively and about handling aspects about you that are written in your CV. It certainly takes a lot of the hard work away if you follow this route but all you'll really gain from it in the long run is a nicely presented CV not a rock-solid foundation of yourself that will be able to handle anything that comes your way at interview in a calm. controlled and winning manner.
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